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Norfolk Walks

Exploring the Diverse Norfolk Landscapes

Norfolk walks are plentiful, and here’s your chance to discover just what lies in wait for you on one of the many and varied circular and linear walks in Norfolk.

Norfolk is a hidden gem if you’re an avid walker, a nature enthusiast, or you just like a Sunday stroll with your dog.

With its diverse landscapes, from stunning coastal areas to picturesque and historic inland beauty, we offer an abundance of top walks in Norfolk to explore and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of this spectacular region.

Cromer Ridge in Norfolk

Where to find the best walks in Norfolk

This Explore Norfolk UK website is an invaluable resource that will help you find some of the best walks in Norfolk.

  • We provide you with detailed information on some of the best walking routes in Norfolk (an ever expanding list), including breath-taking coastal walks and peaceful inland trails.

Downloadable Norfolk Walking Guides

Do you ever look for maps and route notes for particular Norfolk walks?  We have the answer right here in our Norfolk Walking Guides.

I know what it’s like to go on a walk and discover you don’t know which turn to take next and then have a slight dread that you’re going the wrong way!  And also realise that the guides aren't as good as you think they are!

Sometimes you may just want a short circular Norfolk walk, other times you would perhaps like a slightly longer walk where you’re out all day, stopping for lunch and carrying on afterwards for an enjoyable day out. 

Norfolk Walking Guides route notes

Here at Explore Norfolk UK we provide a couple of options for all the walks you can find here;

  • you can look them up on the website
  • purchase the Norfolk Walking Guides which are downloadable packages for each individual walk and include the downloadable route, a map and a comprehensive video that accompany the walks
  • purchase a group of walks in a downloadable format

All our walks have detailed information on the best routes, points of interest and a hand drawn map.

Exploring the coastal landscapes of Norfolk

Norfolk Walks Cromer beach

The coastal landscapes of Norfolk really do offer spectacular and unique views across:

  • salt marshes
  • golden beaches
  • reed beds, 
  • as well as some eroding cliff faces. 

From the iconic coastal path to the huge beaches of Holkham, Wells and Brancaster, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

Norfolk water meadows

And you can marvel at the incredibly diverse wildlife that calls this area home, including seals and migrating Pink Footed Geese as well as resident curlews, redshanks and oystercatchers to name but a few.

Discovering the inland beauty of Norfolk

Great Massingham village green

Venturing inland on some of our walks, Norfolk reveals another side of its natural beauty.

The countryside is dotted with idyllic flintstone villages and Georgian market towns, meandering chalk streams, and peaceful woodlands as well as many beautiful round tower churches and ancient priory ruins

Bluebell walks in Norfolk

Discover hidden gems such as the enchanting Blickling Estate, with its fantastic Jacobean historic house and stunning gardens and a memorable bluebell walk in April/May.

Norfolk's inland landscapes offer a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.  Or the historic Pingo Trail, dotted with ice age Pingo ponds.

Norfolk Broads: A must-visit to experience this unique landscape

St Benets Abbey in the Norfolk Broads

No exploration of Norfolk's diverse landscapes would be complete without a visit to the Norfolk Broads.

This vast network of waterways, reed beds and marshes really is quite extraordinary, and there are so many varying walks around here.

Drainage mills, windmills, reedbeds, rivers and Broads are the order of the day here!  It’s fascinating scenery and well worth visiting.

Brograve Drainage Mill

Norfolk's flat terrain: Perfect for all fitness levels

One of the many reasons Norfolk is a popular destination for walkers is its flat terrain, making it accessible to those of all fitness levels.

Whether you're a seasoned long distance hiker or a casual walker, Norfolk offers a range of walks suited to your abilities. With the gentle undulating (Norfolk isn’t all flat!) countryside and the flat coastal paths, you know you’ll have a comfortable and enjoyable walking experience.

Roydon Common

Exploring the unique ecosystems of Norfolk - salt marshes, reed beds, and chalk streams

Sometimes I have to kick myself to realise how lucky I am to live in Norfolk.  It’s a county that is renowned for its unique ecosystems which are home to a rich variety of flora and fauna.

Norfolk salt marshes

    The salt marshes, with their characteristic grasses and tidal channels, support a diverse range of important bird species, including the migrating pink footed geese, avocets, oystercatchers, and marsh harriers.  You can see these along some of the walks.

Reed beds, such as those found in the Norfolk Broads and on the North Norfolk coast provide vital habitats for rare aquatic plants and secretive marshland birds such as the Bittern. Again we have Norfolk Broads walks.

Chalk streams, like the River Nar in Castle Acre, offer fantastic crystal-clear waters, occasionally with trout swimming around, along with other freshwater species.

You can find all of our suggested coastal and inland walks here, or our Norfolk walking guides here.

Dog-friendly walks in Norfolk

If you have a dog or two, then finding dog-friendly walks is a top priority. Fortunately, Norfolk is an extremely dog-friendly destination, with many walking routes and areas welcoming our four-legged friends

Dog friendly Norfolk walks

We provide many dog-friendly walks, (or you can check out our 16 Norfolk Coastal Dog Walks book) ensuring that your furry companion can enjoy the beauty of Norfolk alongside you. From coastal paths to country lanes, there are countless options to explore with your dog by your side.

Pubs along the way: Where to find refreshments during your walks

Norfolk pubs

One of the burning questions you ask when you’re looking to go for a walk is “is there a pub at the end of the walk?”  During your Norfolk walks, it's always essential to know where to find refreshments along the way!

Many of our walking routes in Norfolk pass through lovely villages and towns, offering you the opportunity to take a break and recharge at one of the local pubs or cafes, and we put all this information in the walking guides.

Where to park on these Norfolk walks

The other question that may come to mind with many of these walks is “where can I park” or “what’s the postcode for the start of the walk”.  This is one of the most important points you’ll want answered, as well as what facilities there are along the walk.  You’ll be pleased to hear that all this information is given on the downloadable routes, or on the webpage itself.

Unveiling the hidden gem that is Norfolk's diverse landscapes

Norfolk's diverse landscape

Norfolk's diverse landscapes, from its enchanting coastal areas to its picturesque countryside, offer a wealth of opportunities for you to explore and discover.

With the right walking guides, route notes, and maps which you can find on this website, you’re ready to start your adventure and enjoy some fantastic walks.

So take a look at the choice of walks we offer, and get ready to uncover the natural wonders of Norfolk.