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Seals On The Beach At Horsey Beach

by Graham Drage
(Tansor, North Northamptonshire )

We were delighted to see a group of about 100 seals on Horsey beach at 15.30.

They were located about 2/3 of the way between Horsey Gap and the Crinkle Hill entrance. An unexpected surprise.

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Sep 08, 2020
Seals at Horsey
by: Suzy

Hi Graham

It's always really exciting to see the seals, especially when they're in their own habitat and when it's most unexpected.

If you imagine the number of seals you saw, and then times it by at least 15, that's how many you'll see in the winter months when they come to Horsey beach to have their pups. That's another incredible sight to see in Norfolk!

Thanks very much for taking the time to post your photo and description - our readers will love to see this.


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