The Dizzy Heights Of Norfolk!
Ever wanted to climb a lighthouse, venture on to a quiet beach or look for something to do in the rain? This month you can read about Happisburgh Lighthouse’s open days, the beach at Happisburgh and you can check out some of the interesting Museums that Norfolk has to offer. You can also discover some very dog friendly cottages on offer.
Happisburgh Lighthouse Open Days

If you haven’t been up to the top of the iconic red and white lighthouse at Happisburgh, here’s your chance! They have some summer open days coming up on Sunday 21st July and Sunday 28th July – 10.00am – 5.00pm. Believe me when I say the views are incredible and it’s fascinating to see a working lighthouse in action. Find out how to visit
Happisburgh Lighthouse Open Days here.

While you’re at the lighthouse, why not make a day of it and take a picnic onto the beach. You’ll see that there’s a lot of coastal erosion right here which is sad, but it’s an unassuming, uncommercial beach which is what I love about it. There’s also a good car park, WC’s and a playground.
Read more about Happisburgh Beach here.

If you're wondering what to do, or if the rain doesn’t let up (!), Norfolk has lots of fascinating museums for you to wander around and explore and learn about the heritage and history of this wonderful county. Take a look at a handful of
Norfolk Museums here.
Pack Holidays Dog Friendly Cottages

When you want to come and enjoy Norfolk but can’t find a cottage that will take your pack of dogs and without charging a fee for the dogs, then you need to take a deep dive into Pack Holidays and see what they offer in the way of very dog friendly cottages. Find the perfect
dog friendly cottage in Norfolk from Pack Holidays.
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Best wishes,
P.S. Looking for dog walks around the Norfolk Coast? Check out this book here.